2019 Fall Kitchen Creek - Engineers Rd

KitchenCreek firstBit  Kitchen Creek first bit image 50414593 KitchenCreek bottomGate  Kevin getting over the Kitchen Creek bottom gate KitchenCreek climb  Climbing serene Kitchen Creek road
MtLagunaStore  Tony Jones, Tony Mazzeo, Diana Wennerstrom, Ursula Cunneen, Sean Brennan, Karl Rudnick, Rob Brown. Made it to the store along with half a dozen buddies of Sean's (not shown).  George ripped his tire at Hwy 80 / Kitchen Creek, booted, and headed back to Pine Valley. Engineers descent Kevin Tony  Descending Engineers - Kevin and Tony lead the way Engineers Boulder Ck intersection  Stopped at bottom, intersection with Boulder Creek. ~12 mi dirt route possible back to Viejas Blvd Ursula Sean Engineers climb  Sean Brennan and Ursula Cunneen climb back up Engineers
Engineers overlook lake cuyamaca  Engineers Rd - Lake Cuyamaca overlook KevinNicholas Engineers LakeCuyamaca  Kevin Nicholas overlooking the lake TonyJones Engineers LakeCuyamaca  Tony Jones overlooking the lake Ursula Engineers south descent  Ursula on final Engineers descent
Sean Engineers south descent  Sean following ... Karl Engineers south descent  Karl brings up the rear Hwy79 Leaving Lake Cuyamaca  Hwy 79 leaving Lake Cuyamaca Hwy79 short rise  Hwy 79 last short rise
Frosty burger  Frosty Burger feast - milk shakes, burgers, fries, chili, onion rings - yummmm!