1 Paul Hoffmann organized a group for a cancer fundraiser via his employer Amazon AWS - Obliteride 2021. They rode 50 miles to support the cause. |
 2 A genuine ~40 year old Spokey Doke from former member Skip Davis. |
 3 Spokey Dokes slide up and down, making a funny sound when you ride. You can secure them to the nipple for a quieter ride :-) |
 4 Sunrise Hwy Desert Overlook - Sunday May 23 |
 5 NCCC Board Mtg May 11, 2021. Back in the saddle again. |
 6 NCCC Masked Marvels Dana Gross and Kathy Yancey on the Sprinter from Oceanside to San Marcos after a Wednesday morning Clipper ride. |
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