Breathless Agony

BreathlessOakGlenDescent  ... down Oak Glen Bill is having a great day of climbing Bob after checking in at Sylvan Park Bob at RS1
Bob Winston at RS2 Bobbi and Phyllis at RS1 Bobbi holding a bike again Bobbi was such a servant
Bob's feet and other items of interest Chuck giving counsel Chuck having a grimm day Bill checking in at RS1
Bob-s feet and other items of interest Copy of Ron having a grimm day Copy of Ron putting on his makeup I mean sunscreen Copy of Stephen at the summit
Greg and Lars checking in at RS1 Copy of Ron trying to get it together Copy of Stephen at RS1 Diana at RS1
Greg at RS1 I met John at RS3 His wife worked with Susie and Bobby at the ride Infamous Summit Sign Is Bill rolling a smoke
is it miller time yet Stepen and big leg Greg Its time to head home for Wayno and Bobman Karl at RS1 Karl Lars Greg Steve and Wayne leaving RS1
Karl refueling at RS1 Lars and Greg at RS1 Lars having another pop tart at RS2 Lars having second thoughts
Lars in the morning at Sylvan Park Lars looking for food at RS1 Lars wanted to ride an old chair down the mountain Lars Wayne and Greg getting ready to leave RS1
Look at those arms Ron Matt and Tony doing the back pocket stretch Matt at RS1 Mikey getting water at RS1
Phyllis caught with eating again Robert showing off the Jersey RS1 Ron and Bobby at the Sumit Ron and Wayno off to the start
Ron at RS1 Ron checking in with Chuck RS1 Now didnt I tell you to take it easy Bob says to wayno Ron came all the way up here for orange slices
Ron having a grimm day Ron putting on his makeup I mean sunscreen Stephen at RS1 Stephen at the summit
Stephen wondering which way they went Ron trying to get it together Tom and wayno at the Sumit Tom wondering how he got here
Tony at RS1 Tony filling Matts Mulholland bottle Tony is wondering where his bike went Tony Matt and Mike
upOakGlen  Karl up Oak Glen wayno and Bob having a grimm day wayno at RS2 where is everyone wayno cheating death again
wayno trying to check in at RS2 Wayno trying to wake up waynos proof of signing in at the summit