NCCC Forum

Boards => Club Rides & Events => Topic started by: Robert Abraham on November 17, 2013, 09:27:09 PM

Title: RSF Road and construction
Post by: Robert Abraham on November 17, 2013, 09:27:09 PM
Currently, as many of you surely know, there is construction going on along a section of East-bound Rancho Santa Fe Road just after La Costa. This began months ago. I'm not sure what's being built, but I'm guessing houses because of the removal and reconstruction of sidewalks in the area. Because of the construction work spilling out into the road, the builders have decided to remove the bike lane and any shoulder area. The signage is poor, the dust fences block visibility on the curve, and the speed of traffic normally exceeds the limit by 10-20 mph. As your ride leader, I have decided that until this is finished, and the bike lane or adequate shoulder has been restored, I will make a good effort to avoid this section. It may mean we have to run around on side streets, or avoid this road entirely. I've had too many close calls recently and can no longer risk using this road for the time being. Taking the lane is not an option. Had I "taken the lane" on a all occasions, I can say with certainty I would not be typing this right now. I plan to check up on it occasionally and get some photographs to document the road conditions. Has anyone else had any problems? Also, does anyone know which city (or is it county) that I need to contact to discuss the situation? IT's a shame, considering this used to be a pretty nice stretch to finish off a route. I have fond memories of many a punishing shootout as the climbs ramp up.
Title: Re: RSF Road and construction
Post by: karlos on November 17, 2013, 09:58:12 PM
Robert - Neither I nor the long rides have ridden that segment in months. That is the City of Carlsbad. You may wish to contact Bryan Jones, who takes care of Carlsbad.
Bryan D. Jones, TE, PTP, AICP
Deputy Director
Transportation Department
City of Carlsbad
1635 Faraday Avenue
Carlsbad, CA  92008
P: 760-602-2431
F: 760-602-8562
