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Thank you 6 weeks late

Started by Wade Duchene, October 25, 2013, 07:48:46 PM

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I would like to apologize that this note is about 6 weeks too late.  As some of us have learned - there is no better group of people to be with when you lying in the road disoriented and bleeding than North County Cycle Club â€" you guys are the best.

Nigel, I remember you were on the spot ready to fight the pickup guys. I was out of it and didn’t know why you were yelling at them but I was with you 100% and was ready to fight them too.  

Keith, no one has ever said that I checked out and was “aware times 3” before â€" thank you.

Thank you John for the ibuprofen and Evelyn and Lee with the water â€" I was so clean that I did not shower for a week.

Karl, you are the best ride leader ever (Please don’t tell Anthony Scozzari.) Thank you for not listening to me and staying while we waited for the ride home.

Sean, Karl says you need a AAA sticker. I disagree; I think by nature, you are more the Florence Nightingale type.  Thank you. 

The bike and I have healed up. We had some slight fractures (a rear derailleur hanger and a rib) but we are now fine - although a bit more grizzled and possibly attractive - in a Tommy Lee Jones way.

I was out on the bike last weekend for a few miles and plan on trying to hang onto the tail end of the group this Sunday.  I’m looking forward to seeing everyone. 


Glad to hear things are getting back in order, health- and bike-wise, Wade. Having been on vacation 5 out of the last 6 weeks, this was also (just about) my last ride with the group, so I'll be seeing you this Sunday without skipping a beat. You now have a corner on Highland Valley named after you. We want to reduce the number of named segments in North County, so we'll all be particularly safety-minded. Thanks to all who assisted Wade that day.