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Notice of Hazardous Conditions on Highway 67

Started by karlos, January 22, 2019, 12:16:41 PM

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All - Attached is a letter which was sent to the following folks:
Laurie Binns - Caltrans Director (statewide)
Cory Binns - Caltrans  Dist 11 Director (District 11 covers San Diego County)
Seth Cutter - Caltrans Dist 11 Senior Transportation Planner, Multimodal Programs Branch
Brandon Tobias - Caltrans Dist 11 Transportation Planner, Active Transportation
Jeanie Ward - Caltrans Sustainability Program Manager
Dave Snyder - Executive Director California Bicycle Coalition
Dianne Jacobs - San Diego County Supervisor

In case you haven't ridden the stretch of Hwy 67 between Ramona or Archie Moore Rd and Scripps Poway Pkwy recently, you may not be aware of the extremely dangerous conditions now present. This corridor has been part of the Sunday NCCC ride repertoire for as long as I've been with the club. The Sunday riders have asked that we just not ride there until the conditions described in the attached are fixed. Regardless of your level of experience, this corridor is now extremely uncomfortable and could lead to critical injury or fatality.

We hope to give a Powerpoint presentation on the issues at the Feb 13 Caltrans Dist 11 Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee Meeting and hopefully Caltrans may have some initial ideas to fix by then.

p.s. I would normally slide this post under our Advocacy Board, but I wanted to make sure all riders saw this. I will move it to the other Board after a month.

Great video. Frightening just watching it. I rode Highland Valley / Archie Moore  to Poway Road on 67 soem months ago (southbound) and decided against it for a cruiser ride.  Looks even more scary than I remember it in some sections. I was mainly concerned by the very large trucks passing at speed and very close (as seen in one of the videos). A good gust of wind and boom!
Idea: a map showing where each section of the video was shot; possibly each part is recognizable by the specialists but a little difficult to follow where you are for others - or perhaps I was not paying attention well enough.


Norval - The maps and geolocations for each of the segments in the video are Figures 1-10 in the pdf.


I also meant to say that the video link in the Notice is for reference only and to give you a feel for the hazard areas. The precise data that Caltrans needs is in Tables 1,2,3 and in the Appendix. Figures 1-10. That is a dry presentation to help Caltrans engineers focus. For a more interactive discussion, we have a 20 minute Powerpoint presentation which is organized by hazard level, showing video clips embedded in the slides. I am requesting 20 minutes on the agenda to present the slides at the Feb 13 Caltrans Dist 11 Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee meeting, a quarterly meeting that I always attend when in town.


Do you have any updates to this? Just wondering if any progress might be in the works as far as improving the roadway. Most of my riding that takes me on Hwy 67 is the southern section from Scripps Poway Pkwy to Lakeside in both directions, but that's getting pretty bad as well. It's been over a year since I've ridden through.



Please see the update on our Advocacy board. Things may be happening sooner rather than later. There already is at least some signage going in out there, as well as some rumble strip removal and some sharrows.


Quote from: Norval Lyon on January 22, 2019, 01:40:31 PMGreat video. Frightening just watching it. I rode Highland Valley / Archie Moore  to Poway Road on 67 soem months ago (southbound) and decided against it for a cruiser ride...
The video link in the pdf is obsolete if anyone picks this up now. It is also an unlisted video on Youtube - Related documentation can be found in the shared folder at In addition to the 10 minute video, hwy67_presentation.mp4, there are
1. Highway67 Issues.pptx - Presentation given to Caltrans Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee (video clips embedded from the lower resolution hwy67_presentation_display.mp4)
2. 2019-01-15 Hwy67_Conditions_Notice.pdf - Notice of hazardous conditions sent formally
3. Hwy67Hazards.docx - Supporting documentation