2007 PTP Stage 2

DSCN3019  Ed Fields - best dressed DSCN3020  Vickie Watson and Dave Morton at the Main Check-in table DSCN3021  Naomi Bermea and Steve Baumgartner are first to head out DSCN3022  Volunteer tandem capt John Morrison with Dave White
DSCN3023  Connie Hegey, TRS and Kermit (the frog) Cain DSCN3024  SDSU graduate students making bicycling film DSCN3025  Erika Garcia waiting to check in with Ernesto DSCN3026  Dave checking with Vickie Watson, Dave Morton, Bob Chamberlain and Bill Stevenson at the ticket table
DSCN3028 DSCN3029  Laurin White and Harrison Tu DSCN3030 DSCN3031
DSCN3032 DSCN3033  Laurin says "If you're riding with me, you gotta wear this." DSCN3034  Denise Barajas and Chris Kutches recording event DSCN3036  25 milers head off
DSCN3035  Denise recording for BCT (Blind Cool Tech) podcast [ http://www.blindcooltech.com ] DSCN3037 DSCN3038  Eric and Erika DSCN3040  Dennis and Cindy Spilane from SD Tandem Club
DSCN3042  TRS Volunteer tandem captain Vicki getting stoker Denise ready for 25 miles DSCN3043  Dr. Mike Welch, if you're going 25 miles, it's time to find your bike and bike buddie William. DSCN3039 DSCN3041  I want to let you know how much all of our S4EA group enjoyed the ride.  From my vantage point, it went off without a hitch. Many thanks from all of us. Maybe we can arrange a ride with the coalition sometime before next year's Pedal to the Park.
DSCN3044  After 210 mile Cycling for Sight (last month), this is a ride in the park for Erika, with captain Eric DSCN3045  Karl helping Kermit and Denise get ready for 25 mile route DSCN3046 DSCN3047  Nancy White and Stacy have the 25 mi station under control
DSCN3048  Braille stoker Ricardo gets tips from his tandem captain Ryan, Braille coordinator Regina and Dave DSCN3049 DSCN3050  Captain John and stoker Daniel DSCN3051  Taylor Everich, San Diego Bike Shop manager, sets up everyone with sweet rides and hard tires
DSCN3052 DSCN3053  Adam Dorring getting set up by Taylor DSCN3054  Vicki George and Adam ready to go DSCN3055  Jay Hatfield, Braille Inst Regional Director and children staying involved
DSCN3056 DSCN3057 DSCN3058  Dave with Ride Across California Director Gary Rossi DSCN3059  SD County Bicycle Coalition Exec Director Kathy Keehan, meet your stoker Bianca
DSCN3060  Dad Miguel looks on as Mom Laura gets her bike ready DSCN3063  Dave and stoker Troy get their group underway DSCN3062  10 Mile route leader Brian Parent, SDCBC President, and Connie Hegey, TRS DSCN3065
DSCN3066  Kathy Keehan and Bianca test drive the Bike Tuesday DSCN3067 DSCN3068 DSCN3069
DSCN3070  Ryan Frank and Ricardo Castellanos DSCN3071 DSCN3072  Bill and Amanda almost ready DSCN3073  Tim and Jason Gackstetter with their super sidecar. "Jason and I had a blast on the ride and at the game. We're looking forward to the next Pedal to the Park and maybe some other rides before then as well.  Thanks so much for arranging this."
DSCN3074 DSCN3076  Vehicle powered by Challenged Athlete's Foundation DSCN3077 DSCN3078  SDCBC President Brian Parent says "I can do this sitting down"
DSCN3079 DSCN3080  Vicki and Adam departing DSCN3081 DSCN3075
DSCN3084 DSCF0239  How did that Red Sox fan get in here - PTP is INCLUSIVE indeed ! DSCF0240  PTP leader Dave White enjoys the game with Eric and his daughter Laurin DSCF0241
DSCF0242  John and Stacy Morrison support Pedal to the Park all the way from Anaheim Hills DSCF0243  Padres radios help Braille kids enjoy the game. DSCF0244 DSCN3083
DSCN3082 DSCN3064  Kathy Keehan, SDCBC, getting serious about riding DSCN3061  Dave White takes the group by the horn ! DSCF0246
P1000877  Girls just want to have fun! P1000885  Enjoying the sights & sounds of Balboa Park P1000886  Kathy leads her group past the Aerospace Museum. P1000887  With guided novice/family routes from under 10 miles, to intermediate routes featuring waterfront scenery and optional added mileage and challenges - PTP routes are truly suited for every Sunday morning cyclist.  Afternoon ballgame is optional.
P1000890  Coach Gary leads his some of his soccer team girls by Aerospace Museum. "The kids enjoyed themselves and said they would do it again. I enjoyed seeing parts of Balboa Park that I hadn't seen in years. The leisurely ride allowed us some good conversation along the way. The kids also learned a lot about riding in the city and obeying traffic laws. It was a fantastic day - a great bike ride, a great baseball game." P1000894  Heading out across the Cabrillo Bridge P1000895 P1000899  All smiles for Emily, Skyler, Kristina & Kaitlyn
P1000901  Dave with PQ Premier soccer team girls - baseball cross-training ! P1010027 P1010028  Padres support and staff the Bicycle Parking Pavilion to Dave White's delight P1010030
P1010031  130 cyclists served at the BPP today, on 110 bikes (including 20 tandems). P1010033 P1010036 P1010037
P1010039  Padres win ! P9160150 P9160152 P9160156
P9160157 P9160160 P9160161 P9160162
P9160163 P9160164 PTPticket  PTP Stage 2 a winner for all P1010238 0306
P1010239 0307  I can't begin to say how thankful I am for really getting to participate and discover the true meaning behind it all by having the opportunity to captain a blind stoker. All I could think about afterward was how much respect I have for all those kids, especially the ones like Harrison who have such an incredible outlook on life.  I cannot fathom or even begin to wrap my fingers around the concept of losing my sense of sight and I was truly touched by all the Braille Institute kids. P1010240 0308 P1010241 0309 P1010242 0310
P1010246 0314 P1010248 0316  PTP partnered with the SD County Bicycle Coalition and the SD Padres to bring a Bicycle Parking Pavilion (BPP) to Petco Park. P1010250 0318 P1010251 0319
P1010252 0320 P1010253 0321 P1010254 0322 P1010256 0324
P1010259 0327 P1010260 0328 JasonGatPadres  Jason Gackstetter, cerebral palsey youngster. Dad Tim drove and Jason rode in the sidecar on the CAF special cycle. DSCF2286 1  Petco Park GM Richard Andersen with the Coalition's Kathy Keehan and Pedal to the Park Director Dave White; this team is making cycling-friendly changes at the ballpark.
DSCN3027  PTP webmaster Karl Rudnick doubles as tandem captain and 10 Mile Route Leader