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Udo C Heinz Memorial Ride - Saturday Nov. 16

Started by karlos, November 10, 2013, 05:17:51 PM

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Please join me for the Udo C Heinz Memorial Ride - Saturday Nov. 16. Udo Heinz is the rider who was killed on Camp Pendleton as his group of 3 was rear-ended by an inattentive (one hopes) NCTD bus driver. Udo's wife, Antje, a four-time California State Time Trial Champion, has ridden the NCCC Sunday ride on occasion. Udo and Antje have two children, aged 7 & 9. Udo and Antje are members of the Ranchos Cycling Club and have friends in NCCC. The cycling community is hoping for a turnout of thousands to show support for Udo's family and make a real statement to the county that this is an extremely important issue for cyclists in San Diego and we expect better training for NCTD bus drivers, which SDCBC is spearheading, and increased awareness by all motorists of cyclists' rights.

Short version of details are:
Event starts at 8am, SPY headquarters, 2070 Las Palmas Dr, Carlsbad, CA 92011

Some of the Sat NCCC Roadies and Cruisers rides plan to participate starting at SPY or starting early at OCRR to join the start at SPY. The important thing is to be there at the start, to show our NCCC support. Please see this Forum or the NCCC website for alterations to Nov. 16 rides.

Most of the other cycling clubs in the county are also organizing to be present. The Ranchos and Udo's family are hoping for a HUGE turnout so that something like this NEVER happens again. Cyclists will gather at Spy starting 8AM and they'll probably put out a light breakfast or coffee. There will be speeches up to around 8:45,giving those that arrive a chance to buy tickets for the raffle, etc. There will be a raffle at 8:45 and head out at 9AM. Raffle ticket money will go entirely to the Udo C Heinz Memorial Fund, set up to provide for the education of the Heinz's children.

To learn a little bit more about Udo Heinz, who was also extremely active in SoCal Cross cyclocross events here  in San Diego, see

For more details, including course options for which your NCCC leaders may build upon, see


Karl - thanks for the update on this.  What a sad thing to have happened.  Will do a minor adjustment to my Saturday route to start at the Spy headquarters. See you at the start. ~Peg - The Cruiser Long Rider Fearless Leader

I will be the stunt double/guest ride leader for Anthony Scozzari this Saturday November 16th.

To show the bicycle community our support we will be altering the scheduled ride to partially participate in the Udo Heinz Memorial Ride. We will roll out of OCRRR at 8:00 sharp and ride to the start of the memorial ride at the SPY Sunglass HQ (2070 Las Palmas Dr. Carlsbad). The Memorial ride is planned to roll out at 8:45 so we will participate in some of the events. We will then join the ride and follow them into Elfin Forrest. The Memorial Ride's planned route will then make a left turn and climb a partial dirt road (Questhaven) to San Elijo Road and continue up  and over Twin Oaks. Note - the memorial also climbs Cougar Pass in Escondido about a 1.5 mile dirt climb.

WE WILL DEVIATE FROM THE MEMORIAL ROUTE IN ELFIN FORREST. Our route will continue through Elfin Forrest into Escondido and points north. (

Full Memorial route -

Some NCCC'ers (Karl will be there) will be going directly to SPY for the 8:00 start of the memorial event.

Also note there is a shorter Memorial Ride of 25 miles starting at SPY HQ for those interested.

Sean Brennan


There is raw video footage from the ride in the NCCC Photo Gallery. The riding segments will be edited into a single 2-3 minute video for Udo Heinz's family. If you couldn't make the ride, or missed the speakers at the start of the Memorial Ride, the first video has the talks in their entirety.

Thanks for posting those, Karl. That was a special day, all the more significant for Antje's words and the coincidence of falling on what would have been Udo's 44th birthday.