Donate to NCCC

Donate to NCCC

When we suspended rides last year during the lockdown we also suspended collecting membership dues. It didn’t seem right to be collecting dues if there were no rides! We wound up pushing everyone’s due date out by a year, meaning that the club’s income dwindled to zero for much of 2020-2021. Unfortunately our expenses didn’t dwindle to zero. While there were no social events to support we did still have to keep the insurance policy going, keep the web servers running and so on.

Normally our income of about six thousand dollars a year (mostly from membership dues) slightly exceeds our expenses, but due to the pandemic our bank balance is down a couple of thousand dollars. If you would like to help the bike club get back up to our usual reserves here is you chance. Just press this Donate button.

Thank you in advance! Your donation will also help your club support cycling organizations in San Diego and California.

If you have questions contact Ken Chin-Purcell at