2022 NCCC Board Election
Once again it is time again to elect members for the NCCC Board. This year there are three seats up for election, with the other six Board members continuing until January 2023.
The Board takes care of operations, legal and financial affairs, rules and most especially social events. Insurance and our registration as an unincorporated association in California ensure that neither as a club member, a Board member, nor as an officer, do you have personal liability for acts performed in good faith. Our ByLaws specify four Board meetings a year, which we usually hold on a weekday evening.
This is a call for candidates that would be willing to volunteer to serve on the NCCC Board and take on an operational role. Members elect the Board and the Board elects its officers: President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary. Other Board members (at-large) manage our web site, organize social events, manage our club kit and partake in the management and organization of the club. All candidates must be willing to take on specific tasks and be able to dedicate time to their club roles and tasks. See this PDF for information on club officer duties.
You can nominate yourself or you can nominate another member. Please ask them first.
Nominations will close on December 24. An “Online” voting ballot will be sent to each active member allowing one vote per member, unless the number of candidates is three or less. Voting will open on January 2nd and close on January 16th, 2021. Results will be declared on January 25 or earlier.
Please e-mail your candidate nomination(s) to current NCCC Secretary Kathy at secretary@northcountycycleclub.org
NCCC Board