
Saturday’s Ride

Mar 29: OneClub All Alta Vista
40 / 2050 route

START: Dos Desperados Brewery San Marcos 1241 Linda Vista Drive 92078
8:00 AM


Roadie rides typically have average speeds for the whole ride of 14-16 mph

We are not a “racing” oriented club. If someone really is too slow we make sure they know where they are and how to get back to the start. Routes are planned using RideWithGPS and the “route map” link for each ride goes to the route where you can view, download to a GPS navigation device, or print a cue sheet.

Please introduce yourself when you come out on a ride. Visitors will be required to sign the NCCC Liability Waiver. Riders are expected to follow the NCCC Rules of Etiquette on all club rides. Also of interest is this CyclingSavvy course on club riding. Send questions regarding Roadies rides to Ursula at Thanks to our ride coordinators Ken Okamura.

FYI: e-bike policy is described here. Contact your ride leader before bringing a bike with electric assist to a club ride.

The NCCC Liability Waiver can be found here.

On Strava

Saturday Ride

Saturday rides meet at Cerro de las Posas Park, 1387 W Borden Rd, San Marcos, CA

Saturday Roadies rides this month start at 8:00 am unless otherwise noted.

Upcoming and Recent Rides

Apr 26th, 2025Fallbrook Rainbow Escondido – (GP)RWGPS563740Cody Barnes
Start: Grand Plaza - Boudin SF Parking Lot at 8:00 AM
Apr 19th, 2025Three Witches via RSF – (GP)RWGPS473315Paul Sims
Start: Grand Plaza - Boudin SF Parking Lot at 8:00 AM
Apr 12th, 2025Reverse Big Coast Loop – (GP)RWGPS43.82200Joan Bennet
Start: Grand Plaza - Boudin SF Parking Lot at 8:00 AM
Apr 5th, 2025Bernardo Del Dios – (GP)RWGPS46.32966Paul Sims
Start: Grand Plaza - Boudin SF Parking Lot at 8:00 AM
Mar 29th, 2025OneClub All Alta VistaRWGPS40.12071Joan Bennet
Start: Dos Desperados Brewery San Marcos 1241 Linda Vista Drive 92078 at 8:00 AM
Mar 22nd, 2025Bonsall-W Lilac Clockwise – (GP)RWGPS46.62868Cody Barnes
Start: Grand Plaza - Boudin SF Parking Lot at 8:00 AM
Mar 15th, 202556 Bike Path – (GP)RWGPS46.73207Paul Sims
Mar 8th, 2025Vista, Bonsall, and Sleeping IndianRWGPS40.72618Steve Fox
Start: Grand Plaza - Boudin SF Parking Lot at 8:00 AM
Note: pls provide your own routes slips if not using a computer. Save your legs for Kitchen Creek, tomorrow, Sunday.
Mar 1st, 2025Circle R, Ranger, Green Valley – (GP)RWGPS52.13514Cody Barnes
Start: Grand Plaza - Boudin SF Parking Lot at 8:00 AM
Feb 22nd, 2025La Costa, Hedionda, Aviara (GP)RWGPS41.72419Paul Sims
Start: Grand Plaza in San Marcos - Boudin Parking Lot at 8:00 AM
Feb 15th, 2025Del Mar Heights Out & Back (GP)RWGPS42.23075Paul Sims
Start: Grand Plaza (Clippers Location) at 8:00 AM
Feb 8th, 2025Forest & Coast (GP)RWGPS43.92367Paul Sims
Start: Grand Plaza (Clippers Location) at 8:00 AM
Feb 1st, 2025Fairbanks & Solana B (GP)RWGPS40.12373Cody Barnes
Start: Grand Plaza at 8:00 AM
New Start: Grand Plaza - Clippers Location
Jan 25th, 2025Vista to Coast (GP)RWGPS39.43089Paul Sims
Start: Grand Plaza at 8:00 AM
New Start: Grand Plaza - Clippers Location
Full History