This year, three members are to be elected to the Board to serve a two year term which will start in February 2024. Two current Board members will leave the Board at that time.

This is a call for candidates who are interested to serve on the NCCC Board and take part in steering the direction of the club. New people, new ideas, new events are always welcome; your chance to turn your ideas into reality.  If you have enjoyed being a club member for a number of years or even have joined recently we urge you to consider serving your club and your fellow members. Insurance and our registration as an un-incorporated association in California ensures that neither as a Board member nor as an officer do you have liability for acts in good faith.

There are four Board meetings a year, usually on a weekday evening and held in convivial surroundings.

Members elect the Board and the Board elects its officers : President, VP, Treasurer, Secretary; other Board members manage our web site, organize social events, manage our club kit and all candidates must be willing to take on specific tasks.

Nominations will close on December 24. An “Online” voting ballot will be sent to each member. Voting will close on January 21 and results declared on January 25.

Please e-mail your nominations to current NCCC Secretary Kathy at Please ensure that your candidates email Kathy with their agreement to stand. Or you can nominate yourself.

Your chance to serve your friends, yourself, your Club.