Someone once asked me “How many bikes have you had?” After some thought, I came up with this answer. I have owned numerous bikes throughout the years. And that is a lot of years, mind you. I can almost remember a red tricycle (along with a little a red rubber truck with yellow rubber wheels, but that’s another story), but the first bicycle I can recall was a red bike. My brother Victor and I both got one for Christmas. The problem back then was boys bikes were usually red and girls bikes were blue. I know this sounds mixed up but that is how it was back then….at least as I recall anyway. Anyway, I wanted a blue bike. There...

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Ride to Camacho’s

Saturday April 30th. “Ride to Camacho’s” put on by the Ramona Fun Riders was just that. It is a century from Santa Ysabel to El Centro and ending at Camacho’s restaurant. There were 9 in our group and I talked to about 5 more NC3 members.  We had head and cross winds for at least 75% of the ride.  A few of us had dermabrasions thanks to the blowing sands.  The ride started with Apple Pie and coffee in Santa Ysabel and Dudleys Bakery sandwiches for lunch with Mexican food at the end.  My idea of a good "ride to eat" event. There were buses waiting to take us back and Mayflower moving vans to carefully transport our bikes....

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Is the Bike a Tool?

Do you fix the bike, or does the bike fix you? What a stupid question you ask? Has this idiot never seen me hunched over my bike wearing my reading glasses trying to figure out which set screw to turn on my derailleur to try and stop that bloody chain rub? Has this idiot never seen me trying to adjust my cleats and falling off my bike at the same time? YES, you do fix your bike, the shop fixes your bike, your friends try to fix your bike, but, not so quick to answer.   Do you look forward to your bike rides with kid like anticipation? Do you find joy in saddle sores because you have ridden further than...

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Pink at Cool Breeze

Cool Breeze August 21st 2010 the Pink team invaded Ventura.  It was a cool morning start and we were off we had 2 Ironmen (one man one woman) and a former NCCC and her new husband and a bunch of the usual. We ate our way through Ventura before and after the ride and attempted to do the same on the ride.  Fortunately none of us saw the terrible accident on the freeway but, Karla did pull some woman out of the bushes who had taken the downhill a little too fast. Just before the lunch stop I had a flat and while Karla and I were sitting on the grass changing it a gentleman turned around and helped...

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