Fall Clipper Century

Saturday November 13's Clipper ride will have several options: Solana Fairbanks Flyer (40/1500), is the regular ride and will start at about 8:30 am at the Solana Beach Station. This ride is part of the Clipper Coastal 100 (100/3500), a century ride that starts at 7:30 am at Carlsbad Pizza Port. Or cut that short forClipper Coastal Metric (63/2400), which also starts at Carlsbad Pizza Port at 7:30 am. The century riders will ride south from Carlsbad and pause at Solana Beach to pick up the regular riders. Regular riders can cycle as far up the coast as they want and then return south on their own to Solana Beach. The century starts at the Carlsbad Pizza Port, not the Solana Beach...

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One Club Ride / Oktoberfest / New Kit

It's a fifth Saturday on October 30, so time for a One Club Ride. All groups will start together on the same initial route at an appropriate pace. The ride will be followed by a gathering at Dos Desperados brewery starting at 12:00. Pizza provided, but you are on your own for the brew. NEW KIT: also at the Brewery, a FIT KIT event. Members can try on the various styles and sizes of the Eliel clothing. The Kit on-line store will open in early November; delivery approximately 8 weeks after the store closes. So please join us for this ONE CLUB - BREW - FIT KIT Event - and meet club members from all the Saturday ride groups. 

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Columbia Sale August 27

Once again the Columbia Employee Store will be open to NCCC members. North County Cycle Club is invited to shop at the Columbia Sportswear Employee Store from August 27th to September 19th. What to bring: The Columbia Invitation Photo ID NCCC Membership Card Location & Hours: 3209 Lionshead AveCarlsbad, CA 92010(760) 936-0458Mon - Sun: 10A - 7P

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A while ago a group of of my Minnesota friends who had been riding the RAGBRAI (the popular week long ride across Iowa) thought that it might be more fun to just do their own week of riding around Wisconsin. Thus was born the WAGBRAI (Wisconsin's A Gas, Bike Ride Around It), an informal annual midwest ride that I've been lucky to be a part of for six years now. I thought I would write up how we do this style of riding in case it inspires someone in our club to start something similar. Wisconsin is great for cycling - rolling hills, farms, lakes, forests and miles of roads with little traffic. And it's pretty easy to find some...

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An “Easy” Century

All are welcome to join us this Saturday, June 26, for a relatively easy century ride. Event details here.

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Welcome Back!

Welcome back members, we are very pleased to report a successful re-start of our club activities with four active rides, two on Saturday, one on Sunday and one on Wednesday. We logged about 60 rides this week. Thanks to Daniel Upton for volunteering as a Roadies ride leader; he will join Kenny leading these rides from next month. Two more members have volunteered to lead rides and will complete their certification training shortly. Tony Jones, Nigel Rogers, Anthony Scozzari and Ursula Cunneen will spell Karl when he disappears to northern parts. We are still looking for a ride leader(s) for the Saturday Long Riders. The Board is planning a splendid Independence Day event actually on Saturday July 3rd. We can't promise...

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NCCC Rider Survey

NCCC Rider Survey Spring 2018: Conclusions and Action points About 50% of members responded, 97 out of about 200. Average membership was 7.3 years and the median 5 years. CRUISERS: very satisfied or satisfied 95%. Strong points: welcoming to new riders, well organized, friendly and good cooperation. Suggestions to improve: (actions in italics) More ride leaders (done; 4 new qualified) Shorter rides on Wednesday: we will ask Cruisers for clarification. Obviously those who ride are happy with distance,usually 24‐28 miles. Define Cruiser ride length and stick to it; should always be “no drop” (Done. “No Drop” definition is posted on theCruiser web page). Distance remark is unclear – rides are always posted in advance and do vary from about 36 to 45miles on Saturdays with very...

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April Restart!

With the improving Covid situation, including the end of lockdown and the opening of many sports activities, North County Cycle Club is also planning to restart rides from April 3rd. Hopefully this time it will be permanent! Roadie and Clipper (formerly Cruiser) rides will start from Saturday April 3rd and Roadie Sunday rides from April 11th. The billing holiday was extended to April 1, 2021. You may start seeing renewal notifications from now on.  We must recognize that Covid-19 is not defeated and we need to take precautions. All members old and new are required to bring a completed, signed copy of the revised Liability Waiver to the start of your first ride.  There are also revised ‘Rules for Riders’ you will need to review and follow. The rules...

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New Board Members

At the February meeting the NCCC Board welcomed Sean Brennan and Joel Phillips as Board members for a two year term. Sean will lead our club clothing activity.

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February Board Meeting

The NCCC Board will be meeting via Zoom at 7:15 p.m. on Tuesday, February 9th. Agenda items include welcoming new boards members and some discussion about what to do for a club logo.

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